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Student Activities

Club and Activity Descriptions:

Anime/Manga - Students in this club will come together to read and discuss the Japanese style of comic books and graphic novels known as manga and watch anime. 

Art Club – The Art Club is an after school activity that provides materials, instruction and support for those students who are seeking a creative outlet for their artistic expression. In addition to drawing and painting students will receive instruction in photography and basic Adobe Photoshop. Students can also learn about art history through videos, research, and projects. 

Basketball Club – Students will develop sportsmanship, fitness and teamwork skills through participation in basketball drills and games. 

Chess Club – students of all levels are encouraged to join the chess team where they will learn to improve their chess playing skills, meet new friends, and develop strategies and critical thinking skills through intramural type matches. 

Creative Writing Club - Students in this club will come together to share their excitement for writing in a safe environment that nurtures creativity. All levels of writers are encouraged to join. 

Drama Club – Students interested in all aspects of theater are encouraged to join this club.  Experience is not required.  Activities include theatrical exercises and on-campus performances. 

Debate – AITE’s Debate Team is a diverse group of students who are dedicated to furthering their public speaking and analysis skills by debating contemporary issues and competing in tournaments against some of the best debaters in Connecticut. 

Engineering - Students of all levels who are interested in engineering are encouraged to join and improve their engineering abilities, leadership roles and experience with real world projects 

FBLA – Future Business Leaders of America is an organization that encourages business education on an extracurricular basis and helps develop a personal understanding of business related activities.

Film Club - Students in this club will collaborate on projects and develop their ideas through the pre-production, production, and post-production process. The club meets during sessions throughout the school-year, giving students a chance to see their ideas evolve and gain experience in various aspects of filmmaking.

Financial Literacy Club - Students in this club will come to understand and use various personal finance skills including budgeting, saving, investing and borrowing to instill confidence, achieve important life goals, and achieve financial freedom. 

Franklin Forum – places students in the arena of public debate, challenging them to think about issues and public policy, allowing them to test their opinions, hear opposing views, and debate current issues. The Forum teaches students how to disagree and still be agreeable even in a passionate exchange of ideas. 

Gaming – Students with a common interest in fantasy and detective role playing games will collaborate and “game” in order to build social skills and create a positive school climate.

Girls in STEM - Students in this club will help promote and support the participation of girls in STEM activities. All students are welcome!  The activities will be determined by group members and the club’s advisor. 

“Green Team”/Environmental Club – Students in AITE’s Environmental Club (aka the Green Team) address local and global issues through panel discussions with environmental experts, research, and other projects, and activities. 


GSA – The Gay, Straight Alliance club strives to promote awareness of LGBTQ+IA issues which students face in school and in the community and serves as a safe space to discuss these issues.  This club is open to all students, not just to students with LGBTQ+IA issues, and supports our SSIP around creating a safe and welcoming environment in which students can learn.

JSU – The Jewish Student Union (JSU) is a network of Jewish Culture clubs with over 10,000 student participants at 400+ schools. At JSU, you'll learn more about Jewish culture, try Jewish traditional foods, and get the chance to connect with Jewish students at AITE and from across the country. The AITE club meets every other Thursday in the Cyber Cafe, always with free pizza and a great time!

Medical Mentorship Club – Students in this club will learn about various careers in the health care field.  Although it is open to all students, this program has become an after school extension of our PLTW Biomedical Program, so it enhances the current curricular offerings during the school day.  The goal of the Medical Mentorship Club (MMC) this year is to assess students’ general interests in the medical field and invite professionals from the medical field to speak to the students about their experiences. 


Model UN – Students in this club will discuss current world events as well engage in various political discussions surrounding significant political, social, and economic issues. In addition, this club would also inspire youth to become more active in political issues, analyze diverse perspectives on varied issues, and lastly, help them develop greater critical thinking skills. 

Music Club - Students in this club will develop their musical skills with others who are also looking to do the same. (AE)
The Muslim Student Association (MSA) - MSA is an inclusive club focused on fostering the understanding and appreciation of Islam and its diverse cultures. Its mission is to educate the school community about Islamic beliefs and practices while promoting respectful dialogue among all religions. The MSA aims to create a safe space for everyone to share experiences and learn from one another. All students are welcome to join the MSA in building connections and enhancing cultural awareness! 

MYLC – Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council is a student-run social activism club whose mission is to raise public awareness on mental health, suicide prevention, and sexual harassment Programming – Students at all levels will develop their programming skills through various projects and activities.
Physics Club - Students in this club will learn about fascinating topics, such as general and special relativity, while also improving their skills and ensuring they pass your next physics exam! 

Programming Club – Students at all levels will develop their programming skills through various projects and activities. (AE)
Quantum Computing Club - Students in this club will learn more about quantum computing, a multi-disciplinary field comprising aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics, that utilizes quantum mechanics to solve problems faster than classical computers. Additionally, as students learn more about this field, there will be opportunities for them to participate in quantum hackathons. 

Red Cross Club - is an extension of the local Red Cross whose mission is to prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. This club will give students an opportunity for training, leadership development, planning life-saving projects, and the ability to participate in mission-related activities geared towards helping the community. They will also host fundraisers which will support various organizations in the U.S. and around the world. 


RSPACEE – Students in this club work with SPS elementary students to plan age appropriate scientific discovery activities and lessons about earth and space to help them develop an understanding and interest about NASA space exploration, the scientific discovery process, and careers in the science field. (AE)
Science Research Club - Students in this club have an opportunity to design and execute their own scientific research. They may also choose to join an existing research project by reaching out to a local lab. After approval, students will be supported throughout the entire research process, with opportunities to compete in science fairs.

Student Ambassadors – Students in this club meet to plan activities for events, like New Student Orientation, that help to improve school climate by making sure students feel connected to school.  They also represent the school to prospective students and their families during our recruiting season by giving school tours and answering questions during our Open House events. 

Students of Color Association - This club provides a supportive space for students of color to connect, share experiences, learn about and celebrate diverse cultures, and educate all of our members about the different cultures at our school. All students are welcomed to participate! 

Ultimate Frisbee Club - Students in this club will work on different throwing techniques, catching, as well as speed, and agility and other skills, during practices and scrimmages, that will enhance their ultimate frisbee skills. All levels of ability are welcome.

AITE After-School Activities

2024 - 2025

2:15pm - 3:15pm

Activity/Club Advisor Day(s) Location
AITE Ambassadors G. Schott Monday (as needed) Media Center
Anime/Manga N. Kelly Monday 101
Art N. Kelly Monday 101
Basketball S. Wolff Friday (provide own transportation) gym
Chess M. Andino Monday 207
Creative Writing A. Domini Monday Media Center/Atrium
Debate C. Morest Tuesdays and Thursdays 300
Drama A. Domini Monday Media Center/Atrium
Engineering V. Urbanowski Tuesday 206
Fairfield County Math League E. Weisz Mondays - (every other) 107
FBLA F. Merturi / R. Milo Thursday (every other beginning 12/6/24) 111
Film A. Domini Thursday Media Center
Financial Literacy G. Schott Tuesday (1 per month) Media Center
Franklin Forum C. Morest Monday (1 per month) 300
Gaming M. DeSimone Tuesday (every other beginning 11/12/24) 311
Girls in STEM P. Ridley Tuesday (every other beginning 11/19/24) 313
Green Team/Environmental Club P. Ridley Tuesday (every other beginning 11/12/24) 313
GSA C. Bisceglie Tuesday 216
JSU D. Siderson Tuesday (every other) Cyber Cafe
Medical Mentorship P. Scollan Thursday (every other) 315
Model UN N. DeAntonis Monday (every other) 302
Muslim Student Association M. Hidajat-Crichlow Monday (every other) 217
MYLC L. Graziano Thursday (every other) Cyber Cafe
Programming S. Peterson Thursday (every other beginning 11/7/24) 311
Quantum Computing S. Peterson Thursday (every other beginning 11/14/24) 311
Red Cross D. Weber Monday 315
RSPACEE D. Weber Tuesday 315
Science Research S. Xiong Monday 312
Physics S. Xiong Monday 312