2020-2021 School Profile
411 High Ridge Road, Stamford, CT 06905 Phone: 203-977-4346 Fax: 203-977-6638 CEEB Code: 070707
Administration Ms. Tina Rivera, Principal Mrs. Kristina Colmenares, Assistant Principal
School Counselors Ms. Christine Bisceglie Mr. Joshua Bogard Mrs. Maria DeAntonis Ms. Jamie O'Brien |
The Academy of Information Technology & Engineering (AITE) is a college-preparatory, inter-district magnet public high school serving approximately 650 students throughout Fairfield County in grades 9-12. There 150 seniors and 65 teachers. AITE is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. AITE has approximate per-pupil spending of $18,756. AITE offers an optional senior internship during the fourth quarter of the senior year. Students are able to participate in over 20 clubs and in the Fairfield County Interscholastic Athletic Conference (FCIAC) through their district comprehensive high school.
63% Minority Population |
48% Free/Reduced Lunch |
68 Languages Spoken |
2.5 % ELL Population |
11% Special Education |
Stamford is located in Fairfield County in southwestern Connecticut and is the second-largest city in the state with 129,113 residents. It is located approximately 35 miles from New York City and is a business and corporate center. There are two comprehensive public high schools, one magnet high school, one state technical high school, and one private high school.
The mission of the Academy of Information Technology & Engineering is to maintain a safe and supportive environment which nurtures the heart, mind and body of every student. Our dedicated educators are committed to providing a rigorous, STEAM focused, college preparatory curriculum designed to prepare and inspire students to reach their highest potential and to contribute positively to our global community.
The Academy of Information Technology & Engineering, in partnership with parents and community partners, is a dynamic learning organization which helps children to reach their highest potential academically, physically, and social-emotionally. Our innovative approach to instruction and curriculum reflects the skills, knowledge and performance that prepare students to be college and career ready. Communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving and risk taking are embedded in the daily activities of all classes. Students are engaged in inquiry, experiential and project-based learning which allows them to demonstrate conceptual understanding and application of learning. We prepare our students to be resilient and to make ethical decisions so they are inspired to contribute positively to our global community.
78 % Four-Year Colleges |
19 % Two-Year Colleges |
2% Vocational/Post Grad |
1% Military |
<1% Employment |
<1% Gap Year |
5% Undecided |
SAT SCORES for Class of 2020 |
2019-2020 AP TESTING |
Evidenced-Based Reading |
Mean: 570 |
117 Students Tested |
432 AP Examinations |
65% Students Earned 3 or Above |
40 Seniors Recognized as AP Scholars |
Math |
Mean: 550 |
Total Scores over 1000 |
76.7% |
Total Scores over 1200 |
32.1% |
Total Scores over 1400 |
5.3% |
Letter Grade |
Number Value |
Grade Point |
Honors |
A |
93-100 |
4.0 |
4.05 |
4.07 |
A- |
90-92 |
3.75 |
3.8 |
3.82 |
B+ |
87-89 |
3.5 |
3.55 |
3.57 |
B |
83-86 |
3.0 |
3.05 |
3.07 |
B- |
80-82 |
2.75 |
2.8 |
2.82 |
C+ |
77-79 |
2.5 |
2.55 |
2.57 |
C |
73-76 |
2.0 |
2.05 |
2.07 |
C- |
70-72 |
1.75 |
1.8 |
1.82 |
D+ |
67-69 |
1.5 |
1.55 |
1.57 |
D |
63-66 |
1.0 |
1.05 |
1.07 |
D- |
60-62 |
0.75 |
0.8 |
0.82 |
F |
0-59 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
M |
Medical |
P |
Pass |
I |
Incomplete |
W |
Withdrawn |
If a student is passing a course for the semester but exceeds the absence limit, he/she will receive the earned grade but will lose course credit. This is designated by an asterisk (*) in the credit column on the transcript. Exceeding 10 absences per semester course or 20 absences per year course results in automatic credit loss. Students who fail a course because of a violation of the attendance policy cannot make up the course in remedial summer school. This policy is suspended for the 2020-2021 school year due to COVID-19.
AITE does not rank. Students are placed by decimal. Class placement is determined at the end of the junior year.
AITE does not share disciplinary records with secondary institutions. We counsel students to answer honestly any questions regarding their disciplinary history.
All students in the class of 2021 are required to complete a minimum of 20 credits for graduation.
Graduation requirements include a full year of U.S. History and a semester of Civics.
English |
4 credits |
Social Studies |
3 credits |
Math |
3 credits |
Science |
2 credits |
PE |
1 credit |
Health |
1 credit |
Unified Arts |
1 credit |
20 credits |
Full course catalog:
AITE employs a heterogeneous, open curriculum with no prescribed tracking system. Over 120 courses are offered.
36 Honors Courses |
16 AP Courses |
7 ECE Courses |
200 VHS courses |
AITE employs a heterogeneous, open curriculum with no prescribed tracking system. An independent study program is available, as well as a volunteer experience as student aide.
Project Lead The Way Engineering Honors level four–year sequence |
Project Lead The Way Bio-Medical Science Honors level four-year sequence |
Community Service Requirement of 50 hours upon graduation |
UCONN: Early College Experience |
Partnership with Norwalk Community College: Juniors & Seniors with a 3.0 GPA can take free college credit courses on campus |
Senior Seminar –year- long Capstone requirement. |
Partnerships : NITARP (the Caltech/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)/NASA Air Force Association, Pratt & Whitney sponsored World Design Challenge program
COVID-19 STATEMENT Stamford Public Schools closed all of its school buildings on March 12, 2020 in response to local and state COVID-19 protocols and immediately shifted to a Distance Teaching & Learning format providing all coursework online for the remainder of the school year. In the fall of 2020, our schools reopened with two options for students: Distance Teaching & Learning or the Hybrid model which offers in-person instruction every other day. Because of the impact of staffing due to these models, budget cuts, and last minute retirements before the start of the school year, some courses that have traditionally been offered were eliminated for the 2020-2021 school year. |